Without a doubt, you will find a wide variety of developer and webmaster resources that include scripts, tutorials, website ideas, website reviews, and a developer resource directory.

Developer Checklist
These are the basic steps involved in any development project:

  • Start with an idea
  • Research idea
  • Make a content plan
  • Buy a domain 
  • Gather content
  • Buy or design template
  • Get logo made
  • Structure site
  • Fill in content
  • Find web hosting
  • Upload site 

Visit other websites that are owned and operated by Developerz.com.

Domain Names
Free Online Games
Stock Directory
Game Search Engine
Domain Name Directory
Domain Articles
Web Hosting Directory
Cheap Domain Registration



Various Development Tutorials

Here are several different developer tutorials covering various languages and programs. 

CGI Variables
Get more familiar with the key CGI variables. 

CGI Read Input
Learn how CGI reads input. 

Intro to Perl
Tells what Perl is, who made it, and what it is doing on the Internet. 

Perl Basics
Learn a few basics of Perl.

Perl Variables
Before you can proceed much further with Perl, you'll need some understanding of variables.

A list of CMFL tags for Cold Fusion.

ASP Include Files
To include a file in ASP, use these codes.

Visual Basic Restart Windows
This program will cause Windows to be restarted.

Visual Basic Menu Properties
Just menu properties for Visual Basic.