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<!--// Use these to set up the message:var msg
= "TEXT GOES HERE!"var delay = 30var startPos
= 100// Don't touch these variables:var timerID
= nullvar timerRunning = falsevar pos = 0//
Crank it up!StartScrolling()function StartScrolling(){
// Make sure the clock is stopped
StopTheClock() // Put in spaces to get "start"
for (var i = 0; i < startPos; i++) msg = "
" + msg
// Off we go... DoTheScroll()}function StopTheClock(){
if(timerRunning) clearTimeout(timerID)
timerRunning = false}function DoTheScroll(){
if (pos < msg.length) self.status =
msg.substring(pos, msg.length); else
pos=-1; ++pos timerRunning = true timerID =
self.setTimeout("DoTheScroll()", delay)}file://--></SCRIPT>