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Checklist These are the basic
steps involved in any development project:
Start with an idea
Research idea
Make a content plan
Buy a domain
Gather content
Buy or design template
Get logo made
Structure site
Fill in content
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if ((screen.width == 1024) && (screen.height
== 768))
alert('Your screen resolution is 1024x768.nThis site
is best viewed at 800x600 resolution.')
else if ((screen.width == 640) && (screen.height
== 480))
alert('Your screen resolution is 640x480.nThis site is
best viewed at 800x600 resolution.')
else if ((screen.width == 1152) && (screen.height
== 864))
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is best viewed at 800x600 resolution.')
else if ((screen.width == 1280) && (screen.height
== 1024))
alert('Your screen resolution is 1280x1024.nThis site
is best viewed at 800x600 resolution.')
else if ((screen.width == 1600) && (screen.height
== 1200))
alert('Your screen resolution is 1600x1200.nThis site
is best viewed at 800x600 resolution.')
// End -->
This is for a site best viewed at 800x600, if you want it to
be for a different resolution just change the numbers.