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developer and webmaster resources that include
scripts, tutorials, website ideas, website reviews,
and a developer resource directory.
Checklist These are the basic
steps involved in any development project:
Start with an idea
Research idea
Make a content plan
Buy a domain
Gather content
Buy or design template
Get logo made
Structure site
Fill in content
Find web hosting
Upload site
Visit other websites that are
owned and operated by Developerz.com.
You can stop people from 'hotlinking' to your image files by
using this simple code. This will only allow requests from
your own pages to display the images.
- Create a new php file named image.php!
- Put all images you want to protect from being stolen in a
separate directory.
- You call it with HTML as a link or using the img tag:
<img src="image.php?myfile=image1.gif">
$path="./images/"; // Path to protected
$mimetype="image/gif"; // Mime type of the
// Check to see if the visitor has the right ticket
if ( $_SESSION["ticket"] ==
"accepted" ) {
Header("Content-type: ");
readfile ( $path . $myfile );
// Start the session and pass the visitor the ticket
$ticket = "accepted";