A simple user log can help you keep track of who's been
visiting your site and where they are coming from.
Alright, this is a simple little script which tells when the
file was last modified using the PHP filemtime() function. The
user log we are going to make will be stored on a flat file,
meaning it doesn't require any databases like mySQL. It will
store four basic functions:
The time the user came to the page.
The IP address of the user.
The referer of the user, if there is one.
What browser he was using.
All of those four functions are built into PHP, so we will not
have much work to do. All we have to do is define these
functions, and then send them to a log HTML file. First, you
will need to create a log.html and CHMOD it to 777, setting
all permissions to the file. We will use the date() function
to set the time. The rest of the other variables are all
predefined in PHP. The second part of the script will open up
log.html using the fopen() and write all the data in using
fputs(). Here is the PHP, the comments should help you out:
$time = date("F jS Y, h:iA"); //using the
date() function
//$remote_addr is PHP variable to get ip address
$referer = $HTTP_REFERER;
//$http_referer is PHP variable to get referer
$browser = $HTTP_USER_AGENT;
//$http_user_agent is PHP variable for browser
$fp = fopen("log.html", "a");
//use the fopen() function
fputs($fp, "Time: $timeIP:
$ipReferer: $refererBrowser: $browser");
//using the fputs() function
//closing the function
And that is basically all the code we have to write to set up
a simple user log. You can place this code anywhere on your
main page, and it will do the rest. Remember to make a blank
log.html page, upload it to your server in the same directory
as the page where the code will be located, and CHMOD it 777.
Well thats it. I hope it works out for you and if it doesn't
you can post a question.
Tutorial By Xtasy