Forum Skins
Got a Vbulletin license or a free
forum and you want to make your forum look attractive? Then
find the right skin for you here. Some skins can be found for
free while others can be quite expensive.
Offers skins for all
three major forum systems: vBulletin, phpbb, and Invision
Power board. Most skins are offered for sale at $29.99 each.
Mainly focuses on
vBulletin skins with only a couple of Invision Power Board
skins to choose from.
The best place to get
Invision Power Board skins. You can find all the versions of
IPB and even forum mods.
Former forum of
IBPlanet that can still be accessed. With close to 23,000
members and a little over 17,000 posts this site should not be
missed if you are interested in Invision Power Board
You can find free
Invision Power Board skins here. Interestingly, the site
itself is one big forum.