The place to find developer articles
and opinions on other
websites. These reviews and articles will help you to become a better
developer by showing you what other webmasters have done right
and, in our opinion, wrong. If you would like us to review
your site or submit an article, let us know here.
Website Review of
on 9-22-2004
The Good
- nice simple design
- great dedicated server resources
- the color scheme works well
The Bad
- the logo is a little plain
- has 3 different menus on the front
page so not that easy to navigate
Improvement Advice
Basically all it needs is to combine
all the menus on the left and to liven up the logo.
Website Review of
on 4-09-2004
The Good
- nice variety of content with
cheats, reviews and free games
- forums are fairly active
- active moderators keep order
- polls on the front page add a nice
interactive touch
- the forum is vBulletin
- Google PageRank of 5
The Bad
- Google Adsense is ineffective at
the bottom of the page
- background does not fit well
- poor logo/header
- a little cluttered with too many
Improvement Advice
Mainly all this site needs is a
little cosmetic touch-up because the content is there. A site
redesign and better Adsense placement should do wonders for
this site.
Website Review of
on 4-08-2004
The Good
- Adsense is placed optimally and
matches the rest of the site
- simple design that is not
- great content on how to run a
dedicated server
- overall site fits the screen well
in the 1024 by 724 resolution
- Google PageRank of 6
The Bad
- the top looks a little empty
graphics wise with the plain logo
- a few of the links seem out of
Improvement Advice
All that needs to be done is to liven
up the header and integrate the links with the content
Website Review of
on 3-20-2004
The Good
- nice logo that fits the site's
theme well
- Google PageRank of 5
- forum has a nice skin
The Bad
- light on content
- too much white space gives it an empty feel
- forum is no longer active
Improvement Advice
The best advice for this site would
be to work on a better layout for the entire site except the
forum and to add significantly more content in the near
future. Furthermore, the site needs to be energized a
little bit with more graphics in some of the various areas
like the index page and the Link Exchange area.